Since the summer is long past, and there are plenty of people around to help eat whatever I may fancy cooking/baking, this blog doesn't have its original purpose to serve anymore. But it would make me a bit sad to just abandon it; it has been a good experience and I still get asked occasionally if I'm going to update and keep it up (by which I am quite flattered that you are still looking at this, thank you).

And so I think I will work on being a more diligent blogger... but the content will be changed up a bit. Instead of posting what I'm cooking/baking on a regular basis, I will share the more exciting recipes I try. Posts will probably be even less frequent, but I hope that you will be patient with me.
Also, my friend Ben and I are trying to cook together more often and perhaps have a dinner party every other weekend if our schedules will allow it. I am happy to write that we just cooked our first successful dinner party this past weekend. If you are so inclined to join us in the future, let us know; we would love to have new guests =)

Ben, the Connoisseur of Cheese, made a fabulous blackberry chutney to accompany the array of cheeses: Asiago, Havarti, Edam, Fontina and a smoked cheddar.
(chutney recipe from Recipezaar)
In the lower left corner is a wedge salad of iceberg lettuce, apple slices, and bacon bits drizzled with asiago peppercorn dressing and some fresh asiago (this salad was influenced by my summer housemate; thank you, Richard!)

Jambalaya stuffed peppers (recipe from Made Healthier)
"Farm Stand" Corn Bread - with whole corn kernels! (recipe from Baking and Books)