Monday, October 12, 2009


This past weekend was perfect for apple picking: chilly - but sunny - weather and the trees ablaze with color...

Fresh apple cider doughnuts!

Cortland apples

What to do with all these apples?

Bella smells... apple pie!

Mini apple pie (baked in muffin tins - recipe adapted from Weevalicious)

Still lots of apples leftover: cook up with some cranberries, sprinkle a quick streusel mix (oatmeal, sugar, flour, cinnamon, butter) on top, bake, and we have:

Cranberry apple crisp!

Happy autumn; keep warm =)

P.S. Is it just my computer, or do the photos look quite desaturated to you? Blogspot just makes everything look ill. Maybe I'll switch over to tumblr instead - no color issues there.