Fresh apple cider doughnuts!
Cortland apples

What to do with all these apples?
Bella smells... apple pie!

Mini apple pie (baked in muffin tins - recipe adapted from Weevalicious)

Still lots of apples leftover: cook up with some cranberries, sprinkle a quick streusel mix (oatmeal, sugar, flour, cinnamon, butter) on top, bake, and we have:

Cranberry apple crisp!
Happy autumn; keep warm =)
P.S. Is it just my computer, or do the photos look quite desaturated to you? Blogspot just makes everything look ill. Maybe I'll switch over to tumblr instead - no color issues there.
Hello! My name is Lauren Chapman :) I'm a first year CPID grad student at CMU. I randomly ended up here from a link to your letterpress calendar (on your portfolio website) and then found this under your links. First off, your portfolio is absolutely stunning. You are so talented! I love all of your work, especially the piece for breast cancer awareness. Secondly, I was wondering (if it's not too much to ask) could you put up the recipes with each new entry? Sortof like your exploration into cooking during your undergrad, I'm making my attempt now. All of your food looks delicious and I would love to have a go at making some myself. Is there a particular cook book you use? Thank you very much! :)
Hey Lauren! Thanks for the nice comment. I'd be happy to include the recipe in future posts if it's my own recipe. When I use recipes from other blogs, I just include the link to give them credit. I actually find most of my recipes online (tastespotting.com is a favorite source). America's Test Kitchen, where I just started working (this is my disclaimer! hehe), publishes some great cookbooks and magazines, especially if you're interested in learning about technique and the science behind recipes.
Have fun cooking and I hope you are enjoying CMU!
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